ISAC Advanced Robotics

Our company, ISAC Advanced Robotics, has been in the field of technology for the past 10 years, with constant vigilance, vision, improvements and R&D on the most advanced trends in robotics.
We are here to offer you innovative solutions that optimize your business productivity, because we researching, studying and manufacturing complex robotic applications
About us, our many years of experience in robotic applications, automation, linear motion, programming and manufacturing of complex mechanical components makes us uniquely positioned to provide you with pioneering solutions at a unique value for money ratio.
After many successful collaborations, our company has built a unique network of Suppliers & Partners throughout Greece and abroad, rapidly reducing the production cost and delivery time of all Projects.
Our aim is to satisfy any need, in the fields of technology and production. As a result, with long-term experience in CNC machines, we deliver you a machine that will take your productivity & efficiency indicators to the next level.

About us

Our company operates according to modern European standards of robotic facilities.
We complete your applications, within budget and time frame that we will define, without sacrificing the quality of construction.

Personalized solutions

The flexible applications, as well as the solutions proposed by our company, are targeted according to your requirements.

Immediate service

At ISAC Advanced Robotics we have as our main goal the immediate and efficient service of our customers, offering a wide range of solutions and proposals, always adapted to your requirements. Consequence of these is the extensive study taking into account all the parameters for an application.


The high quality of construction and the constant information in the fields of technology and new applications make our company at a top level.


Our company undertakes the technical support, the training and supply of spare parts for every project it undertakes, providing reliability to the customers, creating a climate of respect and trust at the most competitive prices.









All the robotic machines of our company are manufactured under strict European specifications, have CE certification and a 2-year warranty

Εταιρεία υψηλής αξιοπιστίας

πιστοποίηση CE cnc

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